Internship Experience

With OK OCE Indonesia

Discover my transformative internship journey with OK OCE Indonesia, gaining skills, knowledge, and growth through SMART Learning and teamwork.

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Important documents such as CV, SPTJM, Recommendation Letter, Academic Transcript, and other relevant paperwork.


Explore the options that align with your interests and choose between Independent Study or Internship. Then, proceed to register for your preferred choice.


While waiting for the results of your application, you will prepare by studying for exams and interviews until you are declared successful in gaining admission to the MSIB Kampus Merdeka program


OK OCE Indonesia

Gerakan Sosial merupakan sebuah gerakan yang terbangun berdasarkan prakarsa masyarakat. OK OCE adalah membangun sebuah Gerakan yang memiliki sebuah manfaat dalam Gerakan social yang membangun dan menciptakan sebuah lapangan pekerjaan serta memberikan kontribusi yang positif untuk bangsa dan negara. Dengan ini Melalui Gerakan sebuah kewirausahaan dan ekonomi kerakyatan, OK OCE juga memiliki tujuan yaitu untuk bisa menciptakan kemandirian dan lapangan kerja yang banyak untuk rakyat Indonesia.

My Internship Experience

A Video Tour of OK OCE Indonesia

Cerita Pengalaman

OK OCE Indonesia

OK OCE Indonesia is a social movement dedicated to creating job opportunities and making a positive impact on the nation. During my internship, I gained valuable professional experience and saw significant personal growth as part of the MSIB Program. I was fortunate to work in the Website & Social Media Developer section, closely related to IT Development and Digital Marketing, especially in the realm of social media. The progress I achieved was reflected in my enhanced skills, knowledge, and the exceptional experiences I acquired throughout this internship. I accumulated a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that aligned well with the independent campus platform I was enrolled in. The skills and relationships I developed during this time proved to be incredibly valuable. My learning experience was enriched by the SMART Learning method, and teamwork played a pivotal role in tackling various challenges, including some of the most demanding ones. It’s essential to remember that each individual bears a significant responsibility. OK OCE placed great trust in me, even when I may not have fully understood every aspect. I was given substantial responsibilities for numerous tasks and projects, all presented directly by the OK OCE team.

MSIB Kampus Merdeka Journey via My Blog

Discover the captivating journey of the MSIB Kampus Merdeka through my blog, where I share valuable insights, experiences, and knowledge.

My internship at OK OCE Indonesia was transformative. I gained valuable skills, knowledge, and real-world experience. The SMART Learning method, teamwork, and individual responsibility were key. OK OCE entrusted me with meaningful tasks and projects. It was an incredible learning journey.

Hamzah Alumni MSIB Kampus Merdeka

The official website, created by Hamzah Hilam, is designed to provide a range of information in the form of portfolio results, articles, activities, and achievements successfully accomplished by the site’s owner

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